Thursday, December 8, 2011

Japanese Emoticons

Pengguna PC dan cellphone di Jepang mempopulerkan emoticon yang dapat dipahami tanpa memiringkan kepala ke kiri (gaya emoticon barat). Gaya ini muncul pada NET ASCII dari Jepang pada tahun 1986. Emoticon yang mirip digunakan oleh Byte Information Exchange (BIX) sekitar waktu yang sama.

Emoticon ini biasanya ditemukan dalam format yang sama dengan (*_*). Tanda bintang menunjukkan mata, dan underscore menggambarkan mulut.

Emoticon yang berbeda seperti (")(-_-)("), dinyatakan dengan mengubah karakter yang mewakili mata, misalnya 'T' dapat digunakan untuk mengekspresikan menangis atau kesedihan (T_T). Penekanan pada mata tercermin dalam penggunaan emoticon umum yang hanya menggunakan mata, misalnya ^ ^. Stres yang diwakili oleh orang-orang seperti (x_x) sementara (-_-;) adalah emoticon generik untuk menggambarkan rasa malu, titik koma menunjukkan keringat yang mengucur ketika gugup. Mengulangi / / / tanda (///) dapat menunjukkan rasa malu dengan melambangkan pipi memerah. Karakter seperti tanda hubung atau periode dapat menggantikan garis bawah, periode ini sering digunakan untuk mulut, lebih kecil "manis" atau untuk mewakili hidung, misalnya (^.^). Atau, hidung mulut / bisa ditinggalkan sepenuhnya, misalnya (^^). Tanda kurung juga sering dapat diganti dengan kurung kurawal, misalnya {^_^}. Bakhkan, tanpa menggunakan tanda kurung juga bisa, misalnya ^ ^,> <,. O_O, O.O, <.<;. o-o, e_e, e.e dan / atau owo. Tanda kutip ", 'apostrof, atau koma, dapat ditambahkan ke emoticon untuk menyiratkan ketakutan atau malu, dengan cara yang sama bahwa penurunan keringat digunakan dalam animasi asian populer dan umum.

Microsoft IME 2002 (Jepang) atau yang lebih baru mendukung penggunaan kedua bentuk emoticon dengan mengaktifkan Microsoft IME Kamus Bahasa Lisan. Dalam IME 2007, itu dipindahkan ke Kamus Emoticons.

Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh Japanese Emoticons :

These are a series of somewhat random Japanese emoticons in which the emoticon is engaging in some sort of action.

Taking a memo: (・∀・@)            
Picking something up: ((((*_)_         
Throwing something: (*_)ノ⌒*                 
Praying or hoping: (^□^*)          
Pointing: (?・・)σ     
Calling: (ι´Д`)
Thumbs up: d(-_^)       
Whisper to someone: ( ゚∀(・-・)   
Cheering: p(*-*)q
 Poking someone: (*)σσσ(*゜Д゜*)    
Shower: ヽ`、ヽ`ヽ(*o*)>ヽ`、ヽ`       
Holding a gun: o(- ̄メ)
Spraying something: ( ^)/占~~~~~     
Playing with a yoyo: *^^)/~~~~~~~~~~       
Hitting someone: (。_°☆\(- - )
Two people fighting: ( `_)(_' )           
A different two people fighting: ( _´)(_´ )         
A salute! "Yessir, I'm working on it!": (`・ω・´)
Hi-Five: (●ゝω)ノヽ(∀<●)         
Giving someone the finger! (⊙▂⊙✖ )
Glomp (with a kiss)! (づ ̄ ³)
Lower those eyebrows! [-_•]          
Playing Ping Pong: ( ^o)ρ┳┻┳°σ(o^ )     
Playing Ping Pong: (^o^)ρ┳┻┳°σ(^o^)/                        
Playing Catch: (_^)       ● \(^_)           
Bowling: ( ^o^) ......___  
Playing Tennis: (-^-^)p_____|_o____q(^-^ )                 
Playing Volleyball: (o^)/ °⊥ (^o)       
Patting someone on the head: (o・_)ノ”(_<。)         
Shot in the head with an arrow: (T_T)                    
Licking Lips: (´ڡ`)                         
Flipping over a table in anger: (°□°) ┻━┻
Putting the table back nicely: ┬──┬(° -°)
Throwing the guy who put the table back nicely: (°Д°/(. . \)

For most angry Japanese emoticons just use > and < for eyes. You can also use or . Two ¬'s makes sort of a displeased looking face. You can also use slashes or and to make it look like the emoticon is throwing up it's hands in anger.

o(>< )o
( ><)o
o(-`д´- )   
(; ̄Д ̄)  
( 0´)    
{{|(>o< )|}}        

When you're making Japanese animal emoticons pretty much all you need to do is use a ω for the mouth and it'll look like some kind of rodent or bear or something like that.

(* >ω<)

These emoticons are supposed to represent someone bowing down because they're appologising or possibly thanking someone for something. These use the letter m to show hands and the eyes are low to the ground.

m(_ _)m          
(_ _)        
<(_ _)>           
m(_ _;;m   
The main thing with Japanese bear emoticons is the mouth. You want to use (), or possibly a ω. Everything else is pretty much the same as other Japanese emoticons.

( (ミ´ω`))    

Cats are pretty much just most regular Japanese emoticons with ='s added to them as whiskers. ^'s can also be used for ears and you can use ・ェ・ for a cat's nose.

( =①ω①=)   

For confused Japanese emoticons you can use or for blank looking eyes. makes a perfect arm scratching a head to indicate thought. You can also add question marks to any of these to show even more confusion.


For dancing Japanese emoticons you basically just take happy looking ones and add , or for arms. You can do two emoticons at once with the arms facing different ways to make it seem like the emoticon is fancing in both directions. Adding " beside the arms makes it seem like it's shaking too.

(^ ^         
( ^ω^)ノ゚      
For evil looking Japanese emoticons you pretty much want to use and ´ for the eyes. You can use pretty much anything else for a mouth and other elements and it'll still look evil.

| Д´|         

These emoticons are really just happy looking ones holding up their hands to each other. You can combine pretty much any emoticons and join their hands together with a , / or .

(∀゜ )( ゜∀)
( ^^)人(^^ )
-(ノ゚Д゚)(゚Д゚ )        
( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )

Greetings or Goodbyes
These are pretty much standard happy or joyful emoticons usually with a forward or back slash for an arm. You can also use characters such as to make it seem as if the emoticon is shaking it's arm.

( ゚▽゚)/
( ^_^)
(^ _ ^)/
( ´ ` )     
( ̄▽ ̄)     
( ' - '*)         
~ ^∇^    
( ̄∠ )     
(* ̄O ̄)   
(,, ・∀・)ノ゛    
( ・ω・)          
( _)      
(-o- )           
(-_- )           
( _)          
( ´ ` )

For happy looking emoticons you usually want to use eyes that are high up. The best characters to use for these are ^, ´, , or among others. The best characters to use for mouths are ones like , or ω if you want to be cute. You can also add * or # for rosey cheeks or add waving arms with things like \, /, or . You can also always throw in stars or hearts too.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*     
( ´ ` )     
( ̄ー ̄)   
( ・ω・) 
\(^ ^)  
( ´∀`)
\(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/        
( ∇‘ )           
( ^∇^)     
( .∀´)
o (◡‿◡✿)        
( ̄个 ̄)         
Infatuation/In Love
For Japanese emoticons that express infatuation or love you pretty much just need to add hearts to happy looking emoticons. You can also add rosey cheeks or even the Chinese character for love, .

o.( )   
(-_- )( -_-)      

For kissing emoticons you usually want to use something like or - for closed eyes. For a mouth use either ε or з. You can even add a "chuu" which is the Japanese sound for a kiss or you can write it in Katakana by using チュー.

(´ε )
( ̄ε ̄@)

These are essentially happy looking emoticons with an open mouth.

( ´∀`)

In addition to this one painful looking Japanese emoticon you could probably add stars to angry looking emotions.

☆ ̄(>。☆  

The main part of sad Japanese emoticons is the tears. These are usually shown with a T or sometimes a ;. You can also throw other small circles around the outside of the face to show tears flying as well. You can also use characters like / and to cover up their eyes to make it look like the emoticon is sobbing. You can pretty much use whatever you want for a mouth.

  ; ;
((T.T )
( T.T))

The main thing about shy looking Japanese emoticons is the rosy cheeks. You can make rosy cheeks with a *, @, # or . Adding a ; for a drop of sweat is always cute too.


For singing Japanese emoticons you can basically take any dancing Japanese emoticon, give it an open mouth with something like a , or and adding a musical note like before or after the face always helps too.

 (´□`* )         

Sleep/ wake up
These emoticons usually use some kind of horizontal line to indication closed eyes. You can also add bubbles or even Zs to indicate sleep. You can also use a ρ, ο or something like that to indicate yawning.

 Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)   
(o ̄∇ ̄o)/
〜`*) zzz    
( ̄□ ̄)     
〜`*) zzz    
( ̄□ ̄)     

For winking Japanese emoticons you can take pretty much any relatively happy looking face and make one of the eyes closed by using a flat character like -. You can also use stars which for some reason signify winks.


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